Ms. Koshuta Recognized with a FCPS Excellence Award!

Congratulations to Student Information Assistant (SIA) Shelly Koshuta, who was recognized with an Individual Excellence Award at the 2021 FCPS Excellence Awards Ceremony!
Shelly has always been an exemplary employee but during the pandemic she went above and beyond the call of duty in every way. Her responsiveness to the community during a global pandemic should be celebrated, honored and acknowledged. At the elementary level we created class lists multiple times as students switched from virtual to in-person learning among the myriad of others changes that occurred. Ms. Koshuta kept meticulous lists and has an incredible memory which allowed her to move students around, knowing their personal preferences and situations that had to be considered. Shelly is a problem-solver and not only identifies what needs to be done but she creatively solves all dilemmas and turns a challenge into something simple and manageable. We could not have survived this last school year without her level head, positive attitude and her incredible problem-solving abilities.